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It's Okay to Be A Freshman, Not a Jackass

Freshman year is a whole new world of possibilities, but it also means you are absolutely clueless. Your drinking tolerance and limit, how to get to the student union, and how to go about being a college student in general are all unknown. HOWEVER, not knowing is not an excuse to be a jerk about it.

You don’t know your alcohol tolerance exactly, so do NOT try to go out to a bar telling everyone you are in XXX sorority and get in trouble with campus PD. If you get in any sort of trouble, you are hurting an entire chapter of girls who now needs to be on probation because you had not idea what the fuck kind of shot the cute guy just gave you.

You have no idea where you are going. Do not longboard, bike, or razor scooter over people when you have no idea what way the library is. If you are lost, consult an app, the map in your student union, or ask someone. Do not recklessly go around campus looking for class. Trampling people as you head in to class late because you got lost is not cool. Walk your classes the day before they start so you know where to go.

You do not have any right to tell people what majors they should be, what classes they should take, or basically give advice on anything that involves academics. You have taken a few gen ed courses, you are not a campus advisor...don’t try to take a job you won’t be paid to do. Quite frankly, you have no idea what you’re doing as a freshman so your advice is completely invalid.

Similarly to the last rule, YOU CAN NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT HOW HARD YOUR CLASSES ARE TO UPPERCLASSMAN ENGINEERING MAJORS. You took communications and college algebra? You must not even have time to sleep. Don’t talk to an upperclassmen about gen eds being hard, that is unless you would like a nice punch in the face with a side of hatred. Your classes might be hard, but I’m sure the guy taking differential equations or organic chemistry doesn’t give a shit if your intro to sociology exam was hard.

You do not have an opinion on bylaws or chair positions after after one damn chapter meeting. You were initiated please calm down. You need to have an idea how a chapter works and functions before you formulate your opinions and decide to take an exec position. Trying to be in charge of a chapter of juniors and seniors as a freshman who barely has experience going to class, nevermind being in a sorority,...see how that goes for you (HA).

Of course you should enjoy your campus’ landscape and architecture that over half your tuition is going towards paying, but do not walk 3 mph to get to class. Some people actually have places to be, and you taking up the whole sidewalk or going slowly up the stairs is not doing anyone any favors. If you’re going on a casual stroll make sure to be aware of your surroundings so people going to class can actually get there on time.

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