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Why We Hate Everyone Automatically

Whoever made the law “innocent until proven guilty” clearly did not have a vagina. As girls, we tend to hate people until they give us a reason to like them (maybe it’s just me, I can be a bitch sometimes). There are two types of automatic hate girls experience towards other individuals: the girl kind and the boy kind.

The Girl Kind- This is simple biology. All girls are seen as a threat to our search for the next hook up or boyfriend. There are only a limited amount of single, good looking guys, so we try not to consort with the competition. Also, How annoying is it when other girls do exactly what you do with your friends with their friends? They yell, squeal, jump around, get drunk, its obnoxious as fuck; that is, until you see your bestie at the bar. In addition to this completely petty reason, there is also the fact that these girls probably hate you too. You can’t like someone who is giving you a death stare. Its not until you have a drunk bonding moment or realize you hate the same people that you begin to allow the presence of these girls in your life.

Unfortunately, there is another kind of girl who you most likely will not have this luck with, she is either gorgeous and rude or she is a girl you feel bad for because she has grown out tiger-stripe highlights, does not know how to find the right bra, and hasn’t invested in her wardrobe since her goth phase in seventh grade. The gorgeous and rude one is exactly like you, but she can’t manage to say anything nice to you, so that friendship will never happen. You feel bad for the other type of girl because she needs a serious makeover, but you also know you will not have the chance to give her one because she clearly has a different opinion about vineyard vines.

The Boy Kind- there are 2 subcategories of boy hate: douchey and non-attractive. There is the douchey hate, which only happens sometimes. The guy is well-dressed and good looking, so you hate him because he probably doesn’t like you. But, you will probably still hook up anyways. Let’s be real after three seconds of deciding that he has abs under his pastel oxford, you can’t help but to laugh at everything that bastard says and throw yourself into his trap.

Then, there is the non-attractive guy. You know the second you are introduced he will form a crush for you. You need to begin the friendzone process immediately. You are quite honestly disappointed there aren’t more douchey hot guys to make out with at the party, so you blame the not so great looking guy. It’s the worst possible thing to do as a human being, but it happens regardless. You just know that this guy has a great personality, but the thought of putting a guy in the friendzone makes you cringe. Trust me, its not any easier for the person who has to tell you they don’t find you attractive.

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