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Can Guys and Girls Really Just Be Friends??

College is definitely the place to be. You can literally do anything that your little heart desires, and no one is there to tell you that you can’t. It’s literally a place where there are thousands of people your age, so if a pizza craving strikes at 3 a.m. you won’t be the only one down to order some. But let’s be real, nothing makes college more interesting than the endless supply of hot guys. It will never ever get tiring watching guys stroll by to class in nice Vineyard Vines button down with the sleeves rolled, some pastel shorts, and Ray-Bans as they walk to class look frat as fuck. You will instantly want to marry every one of them, and start planning your lives together in your future mansion. Guy friends are always awesome to hang out with because they are always up for a good time, and someway or another usually seem to have more drama to talk about. But can guys and girls actually be just friends? We’ve all heard this argument a bajillion times, but the age old question: can guys and girls be friends, always seems to pop up especially amongst teenagers with their uncontrollable hormones.

The only time guys and girls are just friends is when one of them is in a relationship or if they are gay. Other than that there is no way a single guy and a single girl are just friends. There is some type of attraction on at least one person’s part, and even though you and your best guy friend say “we’re just friends” more likely than not, someone wishes they could be with the other person. There will always be a sexual tension between two parties, even if it is one sided. The most dangerous thing in the world you can do is to believe that if you tried it out, it would be perfect because you are with your best friend. I mean yeah, it worked out for Chandler and Monica, but quite frankly I’m sure Chandler has way better sarcastic comebacks than any guy you plan on talking to, and it just won’t be the same. It’s a well known fact that guys completely suck, and will 100% find a way to screw it all up. It’s in their blood; a natural instinct for them to not realize what they had and blow it all away for some dumb reason. But I’m telling you girls, just don’t be naive enough to think your friendship won’t change because of it. Nothing will hurt your heart more than when a guy who used to be your close friend will barely answer a text to you anymore if you break up. What guys don’t understand is yeah, it may suck not having them as that special person anymore, but it hurts a lot more not having your best friend. This is just one of the many reasons why guys are annoying as fuck. They like you or they don’t, and there really isn’t much in between. But as girls, we actually value people and would rather have a guy in our life as a friend than not at all.

Hindsight is always 20/20, so it’s easy for me to sit here and act like I have all these words of wisdom. I took a chance and started something more with my best guy friend, and in the words of tswift “it’s gonna be forever or it’s gonna go down in flames.” Based on what I just wrote, I’m sure you can guess which one happened. If a guy doesn’t realize how kickass you actually are, and loses interest ALWAYS remember that you didn’t do anything wrong except probably become too awesome for him to handle. So grab a bottle of moscato, your best friend, and Crazy,Stupid, Love because that movie cures all evils.

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