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Valentine's Day Being Single AF

Valentine’s Day makes me want to gag. To be fair, I’m not sure if it is because of the mushy statuses about how much everyone loves their boyfriends or the fact that I make up for a year without brownie batter doughnuts throughout the course of a single day. Either way, this day kinda sucks. There is no better way to ruin a night out at your favorite bar by labeling it “single ladies night out”. I am mostly okay with being a single young woman. In fact, I LOVE having my nights out dancing with guys to get drinks, flirting with a different guy in every class, and having the possibility of making out with a new guy every night. I honestly have not gone a single night without a “cuddle buddy” thanks to my pillow pet. I can have a nice dinner with my friends, and we often treat each other by picking up the bill. I have more romantic dates with my big than I do with some guys. I was able to have a real college experience without reporting to a clingy boy over Facetime, and I am forever grateful I took the first part of college to have time for myself. Being single as a college freshman is definitely not a regret.

Don’t get me wrong, I would like a boyfriend. A relationship doesn’t seem like the worst thing that could happen, especially as February 14th rolls around. However, this is not worth settling to me. There have been guys who have made it clear that they would be honored to be my valentine, buy me a giant teddy bear, and take me out on a nice date. I love and appreciate these guys, but I don’t have that feeling for them: some may call it love, but I call it the plague. This feeling can only be described as an orgasm for your heart. If looking into a guy’s eyes does not give you that anxiety attack that makes you fear the death of your emotions and very soul, don’t waste your time. If this sensation that your insides are being tickled doesn’t come back thinking about a moment with said guy, he’s not for you. It feels good to have a date on Valentine’s Day, but it is NOTHING compared to having a moment of inside out happiness on any other night of the year.

With desperation day (February 13th) just around the corner, I want you to remember that being single isn’t too bad when you consider how often people are staying in to wait for a call from him or turning down plans because their possessive boyfriend isn’t comfortable with it. Also, you may feel like giving in and going out with anyone on Valentine’s Day, but it isn’t worth it unless he makes you feel some type of way. Valentine’s dates with friendzoned boys are just as bad, if not worse than drunk booty calls; you will regret it in the morning. If the thought of “single Sunday” makes you sad like it does me, there is nothing wrong with spending the night in with your homework due Monday.

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