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Rasons Your GDI Roommates Hate Your Guts

1. You ruined the wall painting a banner

2. Your cooler and acrylic paint have become part of the decor in the common space

3. You have yard letters in your tiny apartment because your favorite fraternity made them for you with love (love means they got some other girl to make them with help from the pledges while the guys were at the bar)

4. Your sisters are over all of the time practically screaming about formal

5. You bring fraternity guys home after formal (no earlier than 4 am) and they are drunk and break a lot of shit

6. You have been baking cupcakes for your chapter visit to your favorite fraternity, but you have been too busy to do the dishes

​7. Paint and glitter have not failed to get on everything within a 50 foot radius of the canvas you are working on for your little

8. There appears to have been a volcanic explosion in your apartment as if the volcano was on an island of basic srattyness and the lava were a combination of t-shirts, wet mod podge, and canvases

9. You’re off to a social on Thursday night and have spent all week putting together an outfit, and talk about how awesome it was on Friday

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