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Dream Big

If anyone ever tells you that your goals are too high, then you don’t need that person in your life. If you are not striving to be above average, then your dreams for yourself are way too small. There is no reason why you should be striving to be anything less than the best. If your goal is to own a mansion on the beach and have your kids fully dressed in Vineyard Vines as you take them to their golf lessons in your Bentley convertible then so be it. Don’t let any random fool talk you into making your life like theirs because why would you want to be like anyone else. That’s so boring. You have to look out for yourself and make sure you always stay true to who you are. Don’t let other people bring you down. Be the boss ass bitch you know you can be. You will only be successful if you have the determination, work effort, and attitude of Shep and Ian (aka two of the best people in the universe.)

Part of believing in your dreams starts with believing in yourself. Do you think hot guys will want to invite you aboard their yacht or do anything with them if you are uncertain about how awesome you actually are? Of course not because that’s lame af, and hot guys on yachts are not lame by any standards. They may go for that for a couple weeks, but a girl who actually has big dreams in mind is much more attractive. Chuck Bass only had a lapse in judgement for a few weeks with Jenny, and then he realized why would you want anything other than Queen B? Everyday you should tell yourself how awesome you are (both of us do). Reminding yourself every day that you have the power to be as amazing can really get you motivated. Make personal goals for yourself because where there is a will there’s a way. Even if that goal for right now is getting a 4.0 this semester, it is always good to strive for excellence. Keeping in mind that you can achieve anything that you put your mind to is key. One of my favorite quotes is from Mary Kay Ash, “Aerodynamically, the bumblebee shouldn’t be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn’t know it so it goes on flying anyway.” DON’T PUT LIMITS ON WHAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE. There is nothing worse than when people think they are limited by some means. People say shoot for the sky, well people have walked on the moon. If what you want to achieve hasn’t been done yet, then you be the first.

The great thing about being this young is that we have our whole lives ahead of us to make our dreams a reality. Be humble and admit your mistakes when you make them. We are probably two of the most accident proned people in existence, yet we still kick ass. I know this is so cliche, but the saying “Failure is not in the falling down, but in the staying down” is actually so true. So what if it doesn’t work out the first time? Walt Disney was fired from one of his first jobs because he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas”, and Disney World is the happiest place on earth. Just remember to keep your dreams big, work hard, have some mimosas, and nothing can stop you from being the queen you were meant to be.

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